Visual Branding and Logo Design Process

Logo and Brand Design Workshop

Visual Brand Identity and Logo Design Workshops

In this workshop, 729 Solutions walks you through the brand and logo design process to discover the best expression of your visual brand identity.

Together, we’ll discover the look and feel you want to convey. Whether you’re serious and professional or fun and spunky, this design process workshop will translate that into the look and feel you have in mind. You’ll walk away with the toolkit you need to tell your story, including mood boards, color palettes, visual examples, logo usage definitions, collateral templates, logo design in different file formats, a favicon, and an icon package.

Our workshop will cover three session types: Educate, Explore, and Reveal. You may have already done some branding work, already narrowed your visual scope significantly, or you may have specific hopes for takeaways. We’ll explore it all to deliver a brand and logo design process that best suits you.

What to expect?

Educate Sessions

We want to get to know you and your business. We want to hear your story!

Who are you? Tell us about your brand! What do you do and why do you do it? What’s your unique selling point? What’s your process?

Who is your target audience? Who are your competitors? Tell us about your teams and company culture! And hey, if you want to invite us to a picnic, we’d be happy to come to that too!

Where have you been? How did you get where you are today? What is your brand’s history?

Where are you going? Where do you see your business going in ten years? What does the future look like for your brand?

Explore Sesssions

We’ll dig into the finer details together to get to your ‘why’! Tell us the nuances of your brand identity. Tell us what compels you, what you prefer, and the visual elements you want driving your brand. Tell us all sides: the things you hate, love, and everything in between!

We’ll walk through a handful of reviews together:

  • Competitor: What do you like and dislike about their brands?
  • NonCompetitor: What brands do you admire? What do you like about their Visual Identity? Which do you not like and why?
  • Logo, Color, Font: We’ll explore types of successful logos, fonts, and color palettes, understand your preferences, explore how fonts can be used, and uncover potential directions for your Visual Identity. We’ll create a logo and branding strategy that tells your story.

Reveal Sessions

We’ll review what we’re creating for you and get your feedback! From mood boards to color palettes, from logo sketches to favicons, from fonts to pattern definitions, we’ll give you some options and determine the next steps and necessary revisions together. If you’re all in, we’ll create your final designs and deliverables.

What should I bring?

  • List of Competitors
  • List of Brands you like and dislike
  • Information about your customers
  • List of Takeaways you’d like to walk away with – like logos, a business card design, and social media templates
  • Company history and background to share

You don’t have to do it alone

Sign up for our workshop, and 729 Solutions will walk you through the process to bring your visual identity to life!

Sign Up for a Brand Identity Workshop