Tip #10: Top 10 Tips for Successful CX in 2022

Which app is experiencing the most social messaging growth for customer support? The answer might surprise you! Check out today’s top CX quick tip to find out and then register for the Zendesk “CX Trends 2022” event to start driving growth with customer service.



James: “Top 10 Tips for Successful CX in 2022.” Hello, my name is James. I am the Studios Director at 729 Solutions, and joining me is Brandon Tidd, our Zendesk Guru and CX Champion at 729.

Thanks for joining me, Brandon!

Brandon: Happy to be here.

James: Well, I’m excited to have you on! As you know, the “CX Trends 2022” event is coming up on February 10th. That is a yearly event that Zendesk puts together, and as a lead-up to this, we’re doing a daily countdown of the top CX tips. I can’t think of a better way to start off the New Year, Brandon.

Brandon: Yeah, it’s that time of year again, as they say.

James: So before we get into the tips, Brandon, I feel like we should define a little bit of technical jargon that I’ve been using.

What is “CX”?

Brandon: Yeah, so CX is going to be the customer experience component of your business strategy. Really looking at the customer life cycle from stem to stern. So everywhere from presale, all the way through making that sale and supporting that customer after you make that sale.

James: Cool. Very cool. Yeah. Thanks for that.

So now that we know what CX is, let’s get into today’s tip. Tip #10. Take it away. Brandon.

Brandon: Yeah, so what Zendesk found is that ticket volume has increased across all channels with social messaging in WhatsApp, in particular seeing the largest percentage of growth

James: And as a company, why should I be paying attention to that?

Brandon: Yeah, so the traditional methods of contacting support: email, phone… they’re just not cutting it anymore. Customers expect businesses to meet them where they’re used to communicating with others.

James: Thanks for that tip Brandon, that’s a great one.

Brandon: Of course!

James: Brandon Tidd, Zendesk Architect at 729 Solutions where we are a full service agency providing design, UI/UX, development, and professional services, including Zendesk implementation and integrations.

You can learn more about us at 729solutions.com.

And as a reminder to our listeners, Zendesk’s CX Trends 2022 event is coming up on February 10th, so be sure to register now. 729 Solutions is a sponsor for this event where you will learn how your company can drive growth with customer service. Check the video description for the registration link.

Thanks again, Brandon. We’ll catch up with you tomorrow for Tip #9 as we continue our countdown of the Top 10 Tips for Successful CX in 2020.

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