Implementing Practical AI for your Support Team

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Implementing Practical AI

Use Agent Time Wisely

Many companies using Zendesk to support their customer service offerings are looking for ways to increase efficiency throughout their instance. How can we make it easier for agents to focus on the most unique and uncommon tickets? What is leading to people needing artificial intelligence(AI) support most often?

  • Proliferation of channels – Ensure agents are ready for increases in ticket volumes as your company grows.
  • Heightened expectations – Standards are changing with how customers expect to interact when they need support and it can be hard for agents to keep up.
  • Repetitive and expensive tickets – AI can help with the tickets that waste time and keep your agents away from urgent customer needs.

729’s Big Questions About Practical AI

  • How quickly does it learn or train?
  • How soon can AI be helping?
  • How often is it wrong?

DigitalGenius Answers

Practical AI can be easily distinguished from pie-in-the-sky, “Hollywood” AI merely by looking at whether it’s already actually solving the problems it has been tasked with solving. Practical AI in the customer service space ingests, aggregates, and then learns from historical logs of how actual human agents have solved queries and resolved tickets in the past. Once the AI has reached a satisfactory level of confidence (a threshold determined by the business), in which answers or full end-to-end resolutions can be automated, a company turns on the automation, and the AI takes over.

This process from kick-off to practical AI deployment takes from 1-5 months, depending on complexity and the number of external systems that are needed for end-to-end, AI-powered resolutions to occur.

How DigitalGenius Can Help Make Your Zendesk Better

Many customer service teams struggle with a high volume of repetitive and time-consuming tickets. These are often questions about refunds or cancellations; order status inquiries; shipping lookups and so on. These often require the use of more than one system in order to resolve them, focusing agents to repeatedly “swivel chair” from system to system in order to answer the same questions, over and over again.

If your support team has a high volume of repetitive, text-based tickets – tickets that require more than one system to resolve them – your team is an excellent fit for AI-powered customer service automation.

Moreover, if you’re looking to make customer service a competitive strength, and/or are looking to reduce costs, AI-powered automation from DigitalGenius is an excellent means of getting you there. It not only helps achieve these objectives, but it also empowers your existing service agents to focus their time and activity toward more complex queries – leaving the repetitive, time-consuming work to now be fully automated and resolved by AI.

How 729 Can Help Implement Practical AI With DigitalGenius

Complete an Efficiency Report

  • Help to get the baseline of the instance structured properly to fully optimize DG’s tools once implemented.
  • Check that you are Making the Most of your Zendesk instance and utilizing what you have to its fullest capacity.
  • Suggest and recommend changes to improve instance.
  • Complete the recommended changes as you wish.

Prepare for the integration with DigitalGenius

  • Help you ensure DigitalGenius is the right fit for your needs.
  • Clean up and prep macros for the integration.
  • Install and integrate DigitalGenius.

Post Integration

  • Work with DigitalGenius to ensure that the benefits they provide are being fully utilized.
  • Help curate and create new macros, so you get the most out of DG.

Setting up for Long Term Success with 729 & DigitalGenius

DigitalGenius is at the forefront of practical AI creating a more efficient and sustainable Zendesk instance. Allow your agents to work with ease and focus on the most important tickets coming through, instead of on the repetitive time-consuming ones. With 729 Solutions in-depth knowledge of Zendesk, implementation, and transition to using DigitalGenius in your new or existing instance will be a smooth and seamless process.

Ready to see if DigitalGenius’ AI could help solve your Zendesk needs?

Download our Zendesk Efficiency Checklist!

Download Zendesk Efficiency Checklist

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