Customer Support is Renewed with Artificial Intelligence

white robot hand
Robot hand

Machine Learning is Making Customer Service Easier for Everyone

AI and Machine Learning are becoming increasingly common needs among our clients seeking support for Zendesk. It seems the trend for customer service models is moving towards teams that are supported more by AI, with the goal of making a customer’s experience, regardless of the level of teamwork, smooth, efficient, and humanizing, even if they never interact with a person throughout their experience. The good news is your customers are already used to interacting with AI and may not even know it.

Machine Learning is simply the automated detection of patterns in data. We interact with machine learning technology every day from Google searches to using a camera to driving a car to using a credit card. All these technologies use machine learning to create smoother and more tailored experiences for the individual. Search engines use machine learning to bring the best results and ads to consumers’ eyes, cameras use it to recognize faces, cars use machine learning in their accident prevention software, and credit card companies use it to help detect fraud (just to name a few examples). As you can see, AI and machine learning are already a major part of how many technologies work to be tailored to our personal wants, needs, and/or safety.

Using AI and Machine Learning with Zendesk

Zendesk offers integrations with companies like MonkeyLearn, Guru, and DigitalGenius. All these companies are working with AI and machine learning within their products to make them more effective and useful over the long term. These products work by teaching the computer what to look for and how to react or respond. That reaction could simply be sending an alert to an agent or fully answering or responding to a customer’s inquiry. Some help to ID language needs and information, like articles and resources, that match a particular customer’s needs.

729solutions can help you determine the kind of machine learning tool that would work best for your company’s circumstances and can help you incorporate any of these applications into your new or existing Zendesk instance. We will look at the goals you are trying to make with your Zendesk team, as well as the efficiency of your instance, to determine the best fit and then implement it.

Artificial Intelligence is the Future of Customer Service

AI and machine learning are changing the way we all do business and is especially improving the experience that individuals have when seeking customer support. When adding an AI or machine learning integration into your Zendesk workflow, your agents and customers will feel more taken care of and supported. The machine learns to pick up the slack and smaller issues that can get forgotten and lost in the myriad of messages received daily, leading to improvements for both your agents and customers.

Could AI improve the Zendesk experience for both your customers and agents?

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