Customer Support is Renewed with Artificial Intelligence

Robot hand

Machine Learning is Making Customer Service Easier for Everyone AI and Machine Learning are becoming increasingly common needs among our clients seeking support for Zendesk. It seems the trend for customer service models is moving towards teams that are supported more by AI, with the goal of making a customer’s experience, regardless of the level… Continue reading Customer Support is Renewed with Artificial Intelligence

No Silver Bullet: Creating an Experimental Devops Culture

Laptop on desk

I wrote this article because, as a New Relic Partner, we have many customers coming to us with slow applications, environment issues, and other performance issues that we are asked to diagnose and fix. But, I began to notice a pattern, unrealistic expectations of how to solve an increasingly complex problem. They wanted to find… Continue reading No Silver Bullet: Creating an Experimental Devops Culture

Categorized as Philosophy

Proper Drone Training Is Crucial to Safe Flying For All

drone training

Proper drone training is becoming increasingly important to gain before releasing your new gadget into the skies. The relationship between drone operations and aviation has become progressively complex, and with more drones entering the skies the FAA is implementing new regulations in the name of safety. Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time until tragedy strikes,… Continue reading Proper Drone Training Is Crucial to Safe Flying For All

Categorized as Philosophy

Velocity Based Agile in the Wild: Two Case Studies

Velocity Based Agile in the Wild: Two Case Studies

If Velocity Based Agile is all about success, what does success look like? Here are two examples of how 729 Solutions used Velocity Based Agile to achieve customer happiness. Case Study #1 Client: Larvol Business Scenario: Give the client clear insight into short term timeline and budget without removing their ability to add scope, re-prioritize,… Continue reading Velocity Based Agile in the Wild: Two Case Studies

How does Agile Impact an Organization

How does Agile Impact an Organization

By now you understand Agile and its merry friends, and have an inkling of how much more your current organization could accomplish by implementing Agile methodologies. Next up, is how to convince management that Agile is the right way to get work done. Culture is a key component of a successful Agile campaign; you’ll need… Continue reading How does Agile Impact an Organization

Categorized as Philosophy

Why We Like Working With Other San Francisco Companies

San Fransisco buildings

Although our team is physically located all across the United States, 729 Solutions loves being based in San Francisco and working with other San Francisco Bay Area companies. I’m a San Francisco Native, and this is my home. I bought a house on the street where I grew up and I can see the Golden… Continue reading Why We Like Working With Other San Francisco Companies

San Francisco Tech Through the Years

San Francisco tech through the years

What was it like running a development shop In San Francisco when 729 first got started 15 years ago? This actually dates back even further than that, I am a big believer in the idea that computer science and software engineering are separate but related things that overlap and that the future of software engineering,… Continue reading San Francisco Tech Through the Years

Categorized as Philosophy