Cat meowing

GIFs as Communication Being a company whose employees are scattered throughout the world, we find ourselves here at 729 Solutions frequently using GIFs to express our emotions, hammer in the point of our message, and just bring a little fun into our workday. You’ll frequently find our team dropping Chuck Norris memes and tiny bits… Continue reading GIPHY & AWS

729 in the News: Taleswing Release to the iTunes Store!


Taleswing Release to the iTunes Store 729 is excited to announce Taleswing’s release to the Itunes store. This mobile app lets users weave video stories together to create powerful life tales, montages, and visually creative adventures. 729 used Cloud-based video processing to handle these high traffic peaks with little-to-no warning for events and competitions. We… Continue reading 729 in the News: Taleswing Release to the iTunes Store!