Tip #6: Top 10 Tips for Successful CX in 2022

In our CX Quick Tip series, we’ve learned there’s a direct link between Customer Service and Business Performance. In today’s tip, you’ll find out if the voice of the customer reaches high enough in your organization. Register for Zendesk CX Trends 2022 and start driving growth with legendary customer service!



James: Hello, and welcome back to “Top 10 Tips for Successful CX in 2022”. My name is James. I am the Studios Director at 729 Solutions. And joining me once again is our Zendesk Architect at 729 Solutions, Brandon Tidd.

It’s good to see you again, Brandon.

Brandon: Happy to be here!

James: I don’t know about you, but it feels like the days are quickly going by. Zendesk’s “CX Trends 2022” event is coming up on February 10th, and that’s just a few days away.

Brandon: Yeah, it’s going to be here before we know it.

James: Yeah, totally. OK, let’s get into it. Tip #6. What do you have for us, Brandon?

Brandon: So we talked earlier how most respondents recognize that there’s a direct link between customer service and business performance. But 40% of the respondents say that customer service doesn’t even have a seat at the C-suite table at their organization.

James: That’s kind of hard to believe.

Brandon: Yeah. I don’t know that there’s a business out there that purports to listen to their customers, but, elevating that voice of the customer up to the executive level and the C-suite would be beneficial for most any company.

James: Brandon Tidd, Zendesk Guru and CX Champion at 729 Solutions. Thanks for another insightful tip Brandon! We’ll see you tomorrow for Tip #5 as we continue our countdown of the “Top 10 Tips for Successful CX in 2022”

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