Tip #7: Top 10 Tips for Successful CX in 2022

How does your organization grade its Customer Service? What kind of marks would your customers give? Listen to today’s CX Quick Tip for sobering statistics and how other companies are using this data in their CX Strategy. Be sure to register for Zendesk’s CX Trends 2022 now!



James: Welcome back to another installment of “Top 10 Tips for Successful CX in 2022.” I’m James, the Studios Director at 729 Solutions. And with me, once again is Brandon Tidd our Zendesk Guru and CX Champion at 729.

Hello, Brandon, welcome back!

Brandon: Hello!

James: We are counting down to Zendesk’s “CX Trends 2022” event.

That’s a virtual event coming up on February 10th. On that note, let’s dive in to Tip #7. Take it away, Brandon!

Brandon: So this one was really interesting that 60% of companies surveyed gave themselves high marks for their own customer service. But 54% of survey respondents from the customer side say that they feel like customer service is an afterthought for most of the businesses that they interact with.

And that number jumps to 64% when you look at respondents under the age of 40.

James: You know, I was going to ask you, “Why should businesses be paying attention to this?” But I feel like those stats speak for themselves.

Brandon: Yeah. And so the good news is that 56% of survey respondents indicated that driving better customer experience was a top priority for them in the next 12 months.

James: Brandon Tidd, Zendesk Architect at 729 Solutions where we are a full service agency providing design, UI/UX, development, and professional services, including Zendesk implementation and integrations. Learn more about us at 729Solutions.com.

Once again, Zendesk’s “CX Trends 2022” event is coming up on February 10th. So be sure to register now! 729 Solutions is a sponsor for this event where you will learn how your company can drive growth with customer service. Check the video description for the registration link.

Thanks again, Brandon. We can’t wait to hear what you have in store tomorrow for Tip #6 in our ongoing countdown of the “Top 10 Tips for Successful CX in 2022”.

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