Employee Spotlight – Chris

Meet Chris!

We love to showcase the awesome people who work here at 729 Solutions because they are more than just great employees – they are creative and interesting people! Today we spoke with Chris, a Monitoring Solutions Engineer at 729.

Chris was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay area, and lives there still today.

Chris Smiling

Tell us more!

We asked Chris to answer a few questions for us. Here are his thoughtful responses.

What do you like about working for 729?

I enjoy the team/family culture of the company. I really like the feeling that the company has my back, and is willing to help with making all of our projects successful.

What are your hobbies?

Sports are my biggest hobby, especially golf and basketball. I enjoy watching sports at the arena, at a bar with friends and family, and at home. I’m a big fan of all of the San Francisco Bay Area teams, especially the Giants, 49ers, and Golden State Warriors. I have also coached basketball off and on for the last 15 years.

What are you doing to entertain yourself during COVID-19 Stay At Home orders?

I’ve spent a lot of time watching TV, although I’ve also tried to get out of the house to play golf once or twice a week. I’ve stayed connected with friends by going to virtual happy hours and virtual poker nights, too.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

One of my coaches once told me, “be a good teammate both on and off the court as that should take you a long way.”

What advice would you give a candidate who wants to join our team of super stars?

I’d suggest that you be a good teammate, don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it, and be willing to provide assistance if you can when others need it.

Cats or dogs?


What is your favorite word in the English language?

My favorite word in English is “communication,” because it’s so critical in everything we do each and every day.

What is your favorite word in another language?

The word “familia” is my favorite word in another language, because my family is one of my top priorities in life.

What is the most inspiring part of your job?

I really enjoy being able to build a solution for a client that is useful, relevant, and helps with solving the problem that they came to us with.

If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

I would want the power to read minds!

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A superhero with the power to read minds! In all seriousness, I always wanted to be a professional athlete.

If you were a pasta shape, what shape would you be and why?

If I were a pasta shape I’d be spaghetti. Spaghetti is flexible, simple and you can use it for pretty much anything. I’d like to think I’m the same; simple, flexible, and can operate in various situations or roles.

Is there anything else you’d like the world to know about you?

I’m just a normal guy that has worked in IT for almost 25 yrs. I’m not too nerdy, a big sports fan and love my family and friends.

One of my coaches once told me, be a good teammate both on and off the court as that should take you a long way.

Want to work with Chris on your next project?

Tell us about your project and we’ll pair you with Chris or another developer, designer, or project manager that meets your needs.

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