Developing User Flows and Mapping the User Journey

User Flow Workshop

A user has specific tasks they’re trying to complete when they visit your website, mobile app, or software product. We’ll use the User Flow Workshop to look at your User’s Journey – where they were before they came to your product, what they did while using your product, and where they’ll go after they leave. We’ll also create Process Maps – exploring step by step where technical intersections meet and need to be addressed.

The workshop will explore those tasks and the pathway through them, breakthrough any roadblocks, and create the overall map for an enjoyable experience of your site.

Also, a Business Requirements Workshop is vital to identify and determine all necessary User Flows and Journeys.

What to Expect

Get To Know Your User Journey

First, the Educate Session. Like a sitemap, we’ll create a user flow to communicate the project structure to your development team. This user research will guide our design process. What user interactions are we navigating? What third-party tools need integration points?

Who are your users? Have you completed our User Persona workshop? If we don’t know who your users are, we’ll struggle to understand what they want. What are their pain points and decision points? What thought processes do they follow? Let’s get to know your users.

User Journey Mapping

Now we understand where we’re going and the customer experience. The Explore Session uncovers entry points for users and customer journey maps, how-to guide users to complete their tasks, and the touchpoints with third-party tools. We’ll discuss budget or time constraints and find ideal groupings to phase your project.

Tools like LucidChart or FlowMapp create charts and diagrams to visually track the connections in your sitemap. See the big picture come together with boxes for each page of your site, the interaction points, overlap, and arrows between to mark ideal user paths. Any content silos? We’ll use structural repetition where we can to make upkeep and maintenance easy. We’ll keep your present and future growth in mind, allowing or limiting space for future growth as you need!

The process may even start out a little messy or feel unorganized because we’re thinking fast and live! Your UI/UX designer will take the information, apply some critical thinking, and return with a polished, organized workflow to review with you.

Reveal Your User Flow Process

Almost done! The designer will clean up the flow charts, graphs, and diagrams, and complete any final research or testing required to flesh out any incomplete workshop thoughts.

Your Reveal session will walk through the ‘final’ layout of the User Flow, and you’ll ensure we have the ideal approach for your project.

What Should You Bring?

  • User Personas
  • Tasks users need to be able to complete
  • Third party tools your site uses
  • Platforms your site integrates with

What’s Next?

We test the recommendations! Would you like to add a Worksheet Workshop to organize your content? We can jump into Wireframing, mockups, and/or prototypes to bring the vision to life!

You’ll go home with User Flow charts and recommended sitemaps, perhaps more than one depending on the user personas, the complexity of the flow required, and the phases planned. 729 will make sure you have what you need for the best user experience!

We want to help you get your project started off right!

Workshop Series