Employee Spotlight – Rodrigo

Meet Rodrigo!

As we showcase our growing team of creative thinkers here at 729Solutions, we speak with Developer Rodrigo Pelorosso. Join us in discussions about programming, bikes, and of course – food!

Rodrigo Pelorosso

Tell us more!

What do you do here at 729solutions?

Before joining this amazing team I had experience programming in C, C++, and developing websites using PHP. I started working with 729Solutions as a Web Developer, but my skill set grew and I learned several new technologies and worked on a variety of projects – from backend scripts to mobile applications.

Your profile says that you love programming for fun – can you talk about the kinds of things you do?

I’ve always enjoyed programming. When I was a child, one of my older brothers showed me some BASIC code he’d been writing on an old Talent MSX and gave me a book. From that moment on it became my passion. I’ve always been interested in graphics and game programming, although I enjoy developing applications as well. It’s creating something out of nowhere that I really enjoy. It doesn’t really matter what I develop, I love every minute of it. I’ve worked on a wide variety of projects as a hobby – a BSP/PSV 3D game engine in C, J2ME mobile games, and even a cycling simulator, which involved designing the hardware. I usually work with my brother Leandro (who is also a 729 employee!). We are now working on the development of a mobile game as well as management software for the medical field.

Which personal project has been your favorite?

Once, I wrote a fighting game for DOS where the fighters are the numeric constants “e” and “pi”. Could it be it? Really, though, I’m a big free software fan, and not long ago I made a contribution to a software piece for KDE. It was a small contribution – but it felt great, so I guess that would be my favorite.

How is learning the piano going?

Slow. I sometimes regret not doing it as a child – but I guess 10-year-old me was really hooked on programming. I’m also interested in music theory, so whenever I have the time I try to read about it as much as possible. When I’m sitting at the piano, I try to learn how to play versions of game music. I’m not good at either of these things.

When did you get into biking? Do you bike for transportation, or is it more of a hobby?

I’ve always liked biking. I have fond memories of biking through the neighborhood as a child. Adventures always come on two wheels! It all started when one of my brothers gave me a 1976 Raleigh Gran Sport. It was disassembled, so we spent a Saturday putting it together. I learned a lot and grew very fond of it. Since then I’ve been actively trying to learn more and take every opportunity I can to get my hands dirty. Whenever I have to go somewhere, my vehicle of choice is my bike.

Do you have a favorite place to bike?

There are not very many places near my home to ride my bike. There is a pretty neighborhood not far away, so I usually go there, but I need to start planning weekend-long escapades for biking. At the beginning of the year, I had the chance to bike in the Arrayán Forest in Villa la Angostura and it was amazing! My girlfriend had to constantly tell me to slow down. It was so much fun, and I admit, a little reckless at times.

Do you have any other interesting hobbies or pastimes you want to share about?

I enjoy working with wood, but I’ve never really gotten into it, aside from some small household projects. I would also like to take drawing lessons. I don’t actively draw, but it’s something I like to do, and I owe it to myself to put some time into it.

Do you enjoy cooking?

I really do! Even though I’m minimalistic when I cook for myself (I could live on plain lentils.), but cooking for someone else is a wonderful way of displaying affection. If you’re coming to visit, I will cook you something special.

What is your favorite thing to cook?

Well, as an Argentinean I enjoy doing barbecues, but there are other things I consider my favorites. I do think my German apple strudel is really good, on par with my Polish pierogies. I also enjoy making empanadas and milanesas (breaded meat).

What is your favorite restaurant in the city you live in?

I don’t really like going out for dinner, really. There’s nothing like homemade food, right?

Anything else you want to tell the world?

I’m easy going and like peace and quiet.

Cooking for someone else is a wonderful way of displaying affection. If you’re coming to visit, I will cook you something special.

Want to work with Rodrigo on your next project?

Tell us about your project and we’ll pair you with Rodrigo or another developer, designer, or project manager that meets your needs.

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