Zendesk to Remove Apps Framework v1

Pink, blue, black static design
Pink, blue, black static design

Did you know that Zendesk is making some changes to their Apps Framework?

Starting October 14th, 2019 Zendesk will no longer support apps that were built with Zendesk Apps framework version 1. These apps will no longer function!
This means that until October 14th, Zendesk will no longer make any kind of updates regarding apps within Framework v1, including addressing or fixing bugs and minor issues associated with v1.

Want to know if you will be affected?

Long in with an admin account for your Zendesk. Go to Admin > Apps > Manage.
Here you may see the v1 apps tab and a warning that your account has v1 apps installed and that you are affected.
Public Apps will need to be replaced with the v2 version or an alternative app that accomplishes the same thing, and Private Apps must be migrated by a developer to v2.
Keep in mind that after October 14th v1 apps will not be uninstalled automatically. They will just cease to work, so you will have to uninstall them yourself.

Feeling a bit lost?

If you have worked with us before on a v1 app and find that you need to migrate it or have a v1 app that you need help moving into v2, 729solutions is here to help make sure your Zendesk stays streamlined and without bumps during the changeover. Our team of Zendesk Admins and skilled developers make it easy for you to stay on top of what is important for your business while we handle the behind the scenes work.
Learn more about the v1 to v2 change here!

Reach out today to get started with your Zendesk App v1 to v2 migration!

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