Employee Spotlight – Martin

Martin Besada

Meet Martin!

We continue to interview the team here at 729 Solutions! Today we are joined by developer Martin Besada and chat about building string instruments, traveling, and, of course, food!

Developer Martin Besada

Tell us more!

Can you start with a brief intro about yourself?

Well, I’m 36 and live in Buenos Aires with my partner Barbara and my son Santi, which is 17 months at the moment (for the ones that hate the month units, it’s almost 1.5 years). I have worked as a software developer since 2006 and started working here at 729 Solutions in August 2015.

Tell me about what you do here at 729Solutions.

I’m a full stack developer. In my (almost) 4 years here, I worked with lots of technologies, mainly PHP, Javascript, Ruby, and Java, but never know what the next project will be about. I remember a couple of years ago doing a Unity 3D project.

Tell me about building string instruments. That sounds really interesting and like it takes a lot of skill! Is there any instrument that has been your favorite project?

Well, I think that what you need is more patience than skill but I love it. It’s great therapy. When I’m working with wood I forget about the rest of the world.
Regarding my favorite project, it’s a Ukulele that I built as a gift for my son when I found out that I was about to become a father. Of course, I don’t allow him to play it yet, but I’ll have to allow him someday. 😛

What are you working on right now?

Right now I’m building a classic guitar, a model from the famous luthier Antonio de Torres.

In your about bio it also says you are a travel addict! Where was the last place you traveled to, and how was the experience?

The last travel was to Recife, Brasil. It was a whole new challenge for us because we used to travel as backpackers staying at hostels or camping and changing places every 3 to 4 days. This time, with our 11-month-old son, we had to re-think and plan the whole trip…have moments to eat, sleep, and so on, but it was a really good experience.

Is there a trip that stands out above the rest as your favorite?

It’s hard to mention one, but Southeast Asia is in my top 3 for sure. I had a great time there.

Where do you plan to go next, and do you have any dream trips you would like to make?

Never know, I usually start looking for flight offers to any place that I’ve never been.

Regarding a dream trip, I really want to go to Japan. I would love to go there for a couple of months at least, but that is not possible at the moment.

Do you have any other hobbies or interests you want to share?

I love to swim! I usually swim 3 times a week, and since last year, I started to race in amateur competitions, even won 3rd place in an open water race, haha!

Do you enjoy cooking?

Yes, I like cooking (and eating, of course). I love to try new recipes all the time.

What is your favorite thing to cook?

Well, it changes often. Right now, I would say that Tikka Masala Chicken, probably. It’s great for wintertime.

What is your favorite restaurant in the city you live in if you have one? I want to know where to go in everyone’s city!

The same as cooking, it changes often too. Right now it’s a place of Korean food called ‘Una Cancion Koreana’ (a Korean song), but if you’re looking for a recommendation in Buenos Aires, you should go to a barbecue place. Anyway, it will never be as good as my uncle’s BBQ!

Anything else you want to tell the world about yourself or working at 729 Solutions?

What I like about working here at 729 Solutions is that I never know what the next project will be about. For sure I’ll have to research and learn something new, which makes everyday work fun.

What I like about working here at 729 Solutions is that I never know what the next project will be about.

Want to work with Martin on your next project?

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