Employee Spotlight – Neil

Neil Horowski looking off into distance with yellow shades, stone wall background
Neil Horowski posing with yellow shades

Meet Neil!

We want to show off the cool people who help make 729solutions the great company it is. We are more than just a bunch of employees – we are interesting, innovative, and talented people who need a little recognition! This time Neil joins us to discuss his role here at 729 Solutions, 60’s TV, and his scooter!

Neil Horowski

Tell us more!

What do you do here at 729 Solutions?

I work with the Sales Team focusing on the operations side of the process. Plus, a little bit of this and that, if I can help out the rest of the Team.

Talk to me about your Honda scooter! Have you been riding for a while?

Unfortunately, my awesome ride stayed in the city when I moved out to the burbs. I had it for about a year. It actually broke down on my way to pick up my now wife’s engagement ring. (I guess it was a good sign since she said yes!) I ended up just giving it to a friend of mine who paid to repair it, and he still cruises the city with it now.

Is this your only scooter or do you have others?

That was my only one, but I probably wouldn’t say no if I found another good deal on a classic.

I wish I could have you sing the Gilligan’s Island theme song on the blog somehow! lol Are you a big fan of the show or is this just coincidental?

It’s really better for everyone that I not sing, trust me. I was more a fan of the show when I was younger. My sister and I used to watch the reruns that were on in the morning as kids, during summer break from school. It was just so catchy that I can somehow still remember the whole thing 20-odd years later.

My fav 60’s TV show is probably I Dream of Jeannie or Bewitched. Do you have one that is your fav? If not, Gilligan’s Island?

I don’t really go that far back on TV most of the time, but I do love me some Golden Girls on a lazy morning. It’s not a 60s show, per se, but the cast certainly enjoyed that decade, and it’s actually a very well-written comedy. If you can’t laugh at Sophia, we probably can’t be friends.

I am thrilled that you are a good cook because my favorite questions to ask are about people’s favorite foods. What is your all-time favorite food or thing you have eaten?

The only thing I really don’t like is coconut, so this a tough one, ha. But, I would have to say, my favorite bite of something simple is a good bleu cheese with some honey on a cracker or toasted bread.

If not the same as your last answer, what is your favorite food to cook?

My mom’s family is all Italian so I grew up making pasta, gnocchi, meatballs, braciole, etc. with my mom and grandmother, and my wife’s family is the same way, so we both love making homemade pasta and all that entails. I also love running a grill full of veggies and various proteins whenever it’s not raining!

What is your favorite thing to eat when dining out?

My favorite thing to eat out is Asian-inspired fare because I love all of it, and I’m not great at cooking it. (But I’m working on it!)

Do you have any other interesting hobbies you want to share?

I love following all Philly sports and getting to games when I can, cooking and going out for food (see above!), checking out new breweries (not really a beer nerd but a spirited amateur), and generally spending as much time with friends and family as I can. Also, I just decided to start a new hobby of trying to find out Dave Woodrick’s secret meatloaf recipe. (Fingers crossed!)

Anything else you would like the world to know about yourself or your work?

I would just like to say that I love working with the folks at 729solutions every day. It’s amazing to work with people that really care about our customers and each other.

I do love me some Golden Girls on a lazy morning. If you can’t laugh at Sophia, we probably can’t be friends.

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