Case Study: Suited Connector Gets a New Relic Efficiency Review

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Is your team making the most of New Relic?

Suited Connector operates several websites designed to educate consumers about important financial information. They take the confusing, overwhelming, and intimidating experience of finding the right loan lender and make it simple and easy to understand. They even connect you with the lender they feel will best suit your needs.

Suited Connector was already utilizing New Relic when they sought out the help of 729, but T knew that they were not using the tool to its fullest. Our team suggested we perform an efficiency review of their entire New Relic System to see where they could make changes and updates to better support their development team.

729 Solutions New Relic Efficiency Check

Not only are we a certified New Relic Partner, but the 729 team also uses New Relic every day when producing applications we work on. Our in-depth knowledge and experience with the tool make us ideal candidates for performing an audit of your New Relic system.

What we look for when giving a New Relic Efficiency Review

  • What tools are already being used? Not all clients are aware of everything in use and available.
  • See if New Relic agents are installed correctly. This is especially important for AMP and Infrastructure.
  • Check how each product is set up. Do any settings need to be tweaked for better monitoring?
  • Look for updates needed in an old New Relic account. Many products may no longer be working or may be out of date.
  • For clients using New Relic Insights, check to see that the dashboards and widgets are presenting data that’s useful to the clients teams.
  • Check how Alerts are configured. Often alerts are misconfigured.
  • For clients using the New Relic Browser, see if  it is set up correctly to monitor user interaction successfully.
  • For clients using New Relic Synthetics, we will be sure this system is working correctly. For those not using Synthetics we will likely recommend its addition to your New Relic account.

Once we are able to give your New Relic account an in-depth overview we are able to make product and set up recommendations based on the unique needs of your development team.

How did Suited Connector use our review?

During Suited Connector’s New Relic Efficiency Review, we were able to find many places they were not using the tool to its fullest potential. There was room to improve reporting and alerting as well as the need to update or reconfigure several of their products.

Suited Connector decided to use the recommendations made by 729 Solutions when renewing and extending their New Relic licensing. By doing this efficiency check before renewing their license Suited Connector found a great way to see what else they might want to add, update, or get rid of with their renewal.

Get all the answers to make educated decisions

Suited Connector works hard to educate their clients about important financial topics so they can find the right loan lender. This means they need the tools they use, like New Relic, to work as efficiently and smoothly as possible. That’s why 729 Solutions recommended a New Relic efficiency review, reviewed their account and provided them with a report that would allow them to determine if they have the appropriate New Relic products enabled and configured.

Are you ready to make the most of New Relic?

Request a New Relic Efficiency Review Today!!

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