The Importance Of Good Design And UI/UX

two grey pencils on a yellow background
Good Design UI/UX

Incorporating Good Design, UI, and UX

Many-a-good website and app have been ruined because the time was not taken to ensure the end product was easy to use and beautiful by incorporating good design and UI/UX.

These costly mistakes could have been avoided by simply allowing a designer or design team to thoroughly compose and review the user interface (UI), user experience (UX), and overall look and feel.

I’m going to briefly touch on the benefits of this critical step so you, and your project, don’t fall into this trap.

Here’s the scenario

Your company wants to create a new app or website to show off their new service, product, or offering. You hire a company to build this masterpiece that has all the bells and whistles and is sure to knock everyone’s socks off. Your budget is tight so you decide you can do without a design team ensuring the website is easy to use, makes sense, and looks beautiful (gasp). Months go by and the project is released. Soon you find users are unsure how to find anything, the piece is ugly and you’re wondering what went wrong.

Designers are that critical bridge between users and the engineers that build the site or app. They are the visual wizards that make sure everything is placed in logical and easy to find places while ensuring the project has a unique vibe and elegant interface.

Skipping this step often has unforeseen consequences that will rear their ugly heads only after the project is complete.

Common Terms

Let’s quickly review a couple of common terms associated with the design of each project since they’re often misunderstood.

User Interface (UI)

User interface usually refers to what you physically “see” or “press”.  Images, buttons, text…these are all parts of the User interface. If you have an App or a Website, The UI would typically be the buttons, images, colors, text treatments, spacings…etc… and overall vibe.

User Experience (UX)

This tends to refer to the overall experience the user has. I.e. Is it easy to use? Can the user find what they need? Does the user get the desired vibe or feeling intended (happy, confident, worried…etc)?


To me, design is the embodiment of these two elements. The role of the designer, in many cases, is to digest all of the UI/UX info and create it in a visually compelling way that streamlines the user experience and allows the user to easily reach the intended project goals.

The Benefits of Good Design

Good design can be responsible for many important and often overlooked benefits including:

  • Making a site/app incredibly user friendly
  • Conveying clear understanding of product, use, or intention
  • Simplifying navigation and accessibility
  • Setting your brand apart
  • Increasing sales
  • Simplifying complex concepts

Don’t let your next project fail because you cut the design budget or didn’t see the value in the design process. Even if you don’t see the value, your users will.

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