Employee Spotlight – Bruno W.

Bruno Waldbaum

Meet Bruno!

729 is full of a bunch of interesting and creative folks and we love to show off! Today we are joined by developer Bruno Waldum and chat about woodworking, Futbol, and cooking!

Developer Bruno Waldbaum

Tell us more!

What do you do here at 729?

I am a frontend developer and that means a lot of things. Basically, I work trying to give life to the designs that our designers create for different projects. I code with HTML, CSS, and JS to create the markups for websites, web applications, and other platforms we build.

Your about page profile says you are a black belt in taekwondo, can you tell us about that and what that takes?

Today I am not training anymore since I had some injuries when I was younger. But that was my first sport and it took me like 8 years to get that belt. Now I am in another moment in my life and I prefer team sports, but I learned may things in my youth like persistence, concentration, focus, and to be a good competitor.

Your blurb also says you are a woodworker, what does that look like?

That is something I have started some years ago, It relaxes me a lot, puts me out of the computer, mobile, etc. It gives me something to work with my mind and hands. I enjoy it a lot.

What kinds of things do you make?

Well, basically cabinetmaking. I’ve made a few benches, light tables, and also my own carpenter’s bench.

What is your favorite woodworking project you have done?

When I made my carpenter’s bench. Was a very long project and I made the main tool that a carpenter needs. With that, I can work in anything I want.

Are you working on anything specific right now?

Not now, I put a stop on my woodworking for the moment. I am building a cabin near the mountains and I have my mind focused on that.

What does it mean to be the captain of your futbol team?

Like two years ago I joined a group of friends to create a futbol team. We’ve been playing since that moment and we formed a very nice group. We enjoy playing on the weekend and see how we can improve match after match. I think they made me captain because I have a cold mind on the matches and I like to encourage the rest  
I play as the last defender so that gives me the opportunity to see all the team in front of me which makes it easier to give indications and organize the formation.

What about futbol do you enjoy?

Playing in a team and proving that anyone can improve with practice and dedication. I wasn’t very good in my childhood, and I basically learned after high school, which is not very usual.

Any games you can recall that were particularly epic?

Not in particular. We are not a very epic team. When we play well we win, but when we have bad days, we definitely lose. In a way, we can say that the result always depends on us. That is a good parameter to improve our play.

Do you have any other hobbies you want to share?

I enjoy cooking a lot for others and skiing in the mountains in winter.

So you enjoy cooking?

Yes, but in particular for others. When I am alone, I am more a solver, but when I am the host I like to prepare more elaborate plates.

What is your favorite thing to cook?

I don’t have a favorite plate, but my risottos are famous!

What is your favorite restaurant in the town you live in if you have one?

Difficult to answer, I prefer always to eat at home, and with my friends, we usually have dinner at home. If we go out we go to eat good hamburgers and drink homemade beer.

Anything else you want to tell the world about yourself or working at 729?

Working in a company that has all their employees working remotely it’s a real adventure. I enjoy a lot the possibility to know people from other places and work together for the same aims.

Working in a company that has all their employees working remotely is a real adventure.

Want to work with Bruno on your next project?

Tell us about your project and we’ll pair you with Bruno or another developer, designer, or project manager that meets your needs.

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